The Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation administers over 300 funds that provide grants for nonprofit organizations and students right here in our community.
Any donor may give to any of these funds at any time. To make a gift to a specific fund, visit our donate page and select the fund from the pull down menu.
Designated funds provide an annual distribution directly to the nonprofit named regargless of its application for a competitive grant.
Fund balances listed are the fair market value at June 30, 2024.
Jim Ackley Theatre Education Fund (Designated)
Supports the E.C. Glass High School Theatre Program
Evelyn and Thurman Adams Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Adult Care Center - Elinor Hopkins Fund (Designated)
Supports the Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living
Ainslie Family Fund (Designated)
Supports the Academy Center of the Arts, James River Day School, Jubilee Family Development Center and Virginia Episcopal School
Alford Family Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through GLCF competitive grant cycles
Alliance for Families and Children of Central Virginia Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports the Family Alliance Program at HumanKind
ALLPOINTS Foundation Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports mental health in our community
Alpha Action Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for students from area high schools
Altavista EMS Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for students from Altavista High School, Gretna High School, Faith Christian Academy, and VA Technical Institute who are interested in the field of medicine or pursuing training in a trade
Amherst County Retired Teachers Association Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for Amherst County High School seniors
Anne Spencer House & Garden Museum Fund (Designated)
Supports the Anne Spencer House & Garden Museum
Anne Spencer House & Garden – Garden Fund (Designated)
Supports the garden at the Anne Spencer House & Garden Museum
Anonymous I Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Anonymous II Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through GLCF competitive grant cycles
Anonymous III Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Anonymous IV Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through GLCF competitive grant cycles
Anonymous Gift Annuity (Charitable Gift Annuity)
Provides the beneficiary with an annual payment while creating a charitable gift for the GLCF
Appomattox Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the needs of nonprofit organizations in Appomattox, Virginia through the competitive grant cycles
Appomattox County Education Foundation Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships to Appomattox County High School seniors
Arc of Central Virginia Fund (Designated)
Supports the Arc of Central Virginia
Eleanor and Jimmy Atkins Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Barnard Family Health and Wellness Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for area students seeking higher education in healthcare-related fields that support musculoskeletal health
Bank of the James Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Bedford House Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports the Bedford Hospice House in Bedford, Virginia
Brock and Edith Barkley Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
BB&T Fund (Designated)
Supports Habitat for Humanity, Lyn-CAG, and Lynchburg Neighborhood Development Foundation
Harmon and Mary Beauchamp Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Bedford County Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors graduating from Bedford County high schools
W.E. Betts, Jr. Family Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides grants for nonprofits in the field of education in Central Virginia through the competitive grant cycles
Jim Bibby Memorial Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides grants for nonprofits in the field of health/wellness in Central Virginia through the competitive grant cycles
Big Brothers Big Sisters Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Big Brothers Big Sisters in Lynchburg, Virginia
Rachael B. and William E. Blandford Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Andrew G. Blanks Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Betty Lynn and John Blanks Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Beth Johnson Boatner Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for E. C. Glass High School seniors
Kevin Boeren Memorial Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for Heritage High School & Lord Botetourt High School seniors
George Everett Bond Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides grants for nonprofits in the field of education and youth through the competitive grant cycles
David L. and Carole H. Bowen Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Jane Barringer Bowen Educational Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for E.C. Glass High School seniors who pursue studies in Theatre Arts or English
Robert R. Bowen, MD Foundation Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides grants for nonprofits serving the needy or aging and providing education through the competitive grant cycles
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lynchburg Fund (Designated)
Supports the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lynchburg
Vince Bradford Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Christopher Sean Brennan Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
B. Douglas and Nancy T. Brockman Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides grants for nonprofits serving disadvantaged youth through the competitive grant cycles
Brook Hill Farm Fund (Designated)
Supports Brook Hill Farm in Forest, Virginia
Dorothy M. Brooks Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for students at Randolph College who are Lynchburg residents
Gaynell and Milton Brooks Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides grants for nonprofits providing education and medical care for needy children in Lynchburg through the competitive grant cycles
Bryan-Wade Fund (Designated)
Supports the E. C. Glass Athletic Program
E. F. and Elizabeth B. Burmahln Charitable Fund (Designated)
Supports Centra Health, Inc., Jones Memorial Library, Shriner's Hospital, PEO Foundation and scholarships for E. C. Glass seniors studying business
Dick and Elsie Byrne Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Barbara B. and Carl W. Calandra Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports charitable organizations in Lynchburg, Virginia through the competitive grant cycles
Callaham Family Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports area nonprofits serving food and housing needs through the competitive grant cycles
Helen & Ed Calvert Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Camp C.H.I.L.D. Fund (Designated)
Supports The ARC of Central Virginia
Camp Kum-Ba-Yah Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports the Camp Kum-Ba-Yah Nature Center in Lynchburg, Virginia
Jim and Maxine Candler Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Jim Candler Fund for the Pauline F. Maloney Step with Links Program (Designated)
Supports the Step with Links Program in Lynchburg, Virginia
Sally J. Capps Memorial Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Kim and Dan Carey Fund (Donor Advised)
Donor advisor recommends grants to area nonprofit organizations
Kay and Helen Carpenter Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Beatrice and Roland Carter Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships to E.C. Glass High School seniors
Dennis Carter Student Athlete Scholarship (Scholarship)
Will provide scholarships for student athletes who have demonstrated leadership in the classroom, on the field, and in our community who are graduating from area high schools.
CASA Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports CASA of Central Virginia
CASA Sustainability Fund (Designated)
Supports CASA of Central Virginia
Century Fund (Unrestricted)
Provides an annual $100,000 grant to a nonprofit in the community
Children's Health Care Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Children's Miracle Network in Lynchburg, Virginia
Daniel Christian Nursing Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships to Appomattox County High School seniors interested in nursing
City of Lynchburg Disaster Relief Fund (Field of Interest)
Assists with short-term needs of disaster victims in the City of Lynchburg
Larry W. Clingempeel Fund (Designated)
Supports Camp Kum-Ba-Yah Nature Center, Central Virginia United Soccer, Lynchburg Humane Society, and Lynchburg City Schools Education Foundation
Martha S. and Jesse R. Coffey Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports the Jefferson Choral Society
Coleman Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Leonard and Eudora Coleman Memorial Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships to Altavista High School seniors
E. Stewart Coleman and Eric C. Foster Charitable Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Marion Collins Fund (Designated)
Supports the Old City Cemetery in Lynchburg, Virginia
Anonymous Gift Annuity Fund (Annuity)
A gift annuity fund
Connors Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Catherine Wooldridge Connelly and William Hatcher Connelly Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports nonprofits in the fields of education and health through the competitive grant cycles
James Gilliam Conrad Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Jean and Bill Cook Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area non-profit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
John and Elizabeth Cook Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Bev Cosby Memorial Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports organizations serving suffering, broken and marginal people through the competitive grant cycles
George and Gladys Costan Family Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships to seniors at Lynchburg City high schools
Anne Glass Cothran Family Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Calvin and Virginia Cox Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
George B. Craddock & Theodore H. Jack Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides grants for nonprofits in the field of health and education through the competitive grant cycles
Craddock-Terry Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides grants for capital expenditures in the areas of health, hunger, housing for handicapped persons and higher education through the competitive grant cycles
Crittenton Fund (Designated)
Supports New Vistas School in Lynchburg, Virginia
CVACL Community Endowment Fund (Designated)
Support the Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living
Daly Legacy Fund (Designated)
Supports Academy Center of the Arts, Alzheimers Association of Central Virginia, Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lynchburg, Heimdal Science Fiction, and Lynchburg Daily Bread
Dana's Angel Fund (Designated)
Supports the Hutcherson Learning Center in Lynchburg, Virginia
Davidson & Garrard, Inc. Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
J. Lyons Davidson Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
James T. Davis Jr. Fund for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (Field of Interest)
Serves the needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities through the competitive grant cycles
Jack D. and Margaret R. Dawson Memorial Fund (Unrestricted)
Provides grants for area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Rosemary and George Dawson Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Troy Deacon Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Rosalind and L. John Denney Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports organizations in Lyncburg and Amherst through the competitive grant cycles
David H. Dillard - David E. Basten Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Dodge Family Fund (Designated)
Supports Friends of the the Lynchburg Public Library and Lynchburg Museum Foundation
Ron and MaryJane Dolan Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the needs of food, medical and mental health support for economically disadvantaged children and their families through the competitive grant cycles
John D. Doyle, Jr. Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
William L. Driskill, Jr. Fund (Unrestricted)
upports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Dunbar High School Legacy Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from Heritage and E.C. Glass High Schools
Linda and Rick Edwards Fund (Designated)
Supports the Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra
E. C. Glass Athletic Boosters Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for athletes graduating from E. C. Glass High School
Elizabeth's Early Learning Center Fund (Designated)
Supports Elizabeth's Early Learning Center in Lynchburg, Virginia
Elro Foundation Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports the general welfare of children including educational opportunities
Evans Family Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Faith Christian Academy Maintenance Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Faith Christian Academy in Hurt, Virginia
Donald and Virginia Farmer Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors at Nelson County High School
Fauber Family Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides food, clothing, shelter, medical assistance and mental health support through the competitive grant cycles
Rob and Judy Finch Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports youth sports and fitness and wellness programs with preference toward the Altavista, Virginia area through the competitive grant cycles
First National Bank's Community Impact Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Martha Carter Fischer Charitable Fund (Designated)
Provides support for St. Peter Episcopal Church in Altavista, Virginia, St. Stephen Episcopal Church in Forest,Virginia, and St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Lynchburg, Virginia
Flippin Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Watt & Jennifer Foster Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for students graduating from William Campbell High School, Halifax County High School, and Rustburg High School
Free Clinic of Central Virginia Fund (Designated)
Supports the Free Clinic of Central Virginia
Friends of Cliff Asbury Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Friends of the Lynchburg Public Library - Mary R. Breazeale Memorial Fund (Designated)
Supports the Lynchburg Public Library
Garbee Trust for the Arts Fund (Designated)
Supports Opera on the James
Judy and Bill Gayle Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Jill Gardner Memorial Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors at E.C. Glass High School who have artistic talent with formal instruction in Art
Wally Gilbert Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for athletes graduating from Heritage High School
Don and Frances Giles Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area non-profit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Henriette Jones Gill Fund (Designated)
Supports Lynchburg Humane Society, South Central Spay and Neuter, Lynchburg Grows, and the GLCF competitive grant cycles
Glass/Heritage Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors graduating from Heritage and E.C. Glass High Schools
Edward Christian Glass Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors graduating from E.C. Glass High School who are pursuing a degree in Education
GLCT Operating Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports operations at The Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation
Greater Lynchburg Environmental Network Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports improvement needs of the natural environment quality in the Greater Lynchburg area through the competitive grant cycles.
Sam & Sloanie Green Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports programs benefiting education through the competitive grant cycles
Mary L. Gregory Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors graduating from Amherst County High School
Greif Brothers Fund (VA Fiber) (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Guill Family Educational Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarship support for graduates of Amherst County High School who attend the University of Lynchburg
Ted Hapgood Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for full-time employees at C. B. Fleet
Mary and David Harman Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Edwin A. and Margaretta H. Harper Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports programs benefiting pediatric projects through the competitive grant cycles
Lucy Woodall Harris Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports education, libraries, museums and historical preservation through the competitive grant cycles
Birdie Harvey Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports programs which provide food assitance to those in need
Thomas F. Harwood Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Junius Haskins Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports organizations that enhance the dignity of all, foster mutual respect racially and culturally, and provide low income housing through the competitive grant cycles
R. A. Hawkins Family Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports programs for animals, education and the arts
Heart of Virginia Fund in memory of Dennis G. Theisen & Robert S. Haizlip (Donor Advised)
Donor advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Coach Bo Henson Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Sallie Holland and Wesley Peters Hicks Math Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from Bedford County high schools or seniors from Carolina County High School who plan to major in math or math-related fields
Bill and Mary Jane Hobbs (Charitable Gift Annuity)
A charitable gift annuity fund
Bill and Mary Jane Hobbs Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports health, hunger, and housing efforts through the competitive grant cycles
Eldridge "E" & Elizabeth Greene Hoke Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Josephine J. Holt Fund (Designated)
Provides support for the J.O.Y. fund at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Lynchburg, Virginia
Skipper and Sandy Holt Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves charitable organizations that work toward relieving human suffering through the competitive grant cycles
Jiggie and Yuille Holt Jr. Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves charitable organizations that work toward relieving human suffering through the competitive grant cycles
Howard-North-Dennis Fund (Donor-Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Hylan and Christine Hubbard Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Chris Hudson Trust for Children's Health Care Fund (Designated)
Supports the Children's Miracle Network in Lynchburg, Virginia
Cinda and George Hurt Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
George and Cinda Hurt Scholarship Fund (Designated)
Supports Lynchburg Beacon of Hope
Larry Donald Huskey Memorial Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Carl Hutcherson Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Mahlon & Gerald Thomas Hutchison Memorial Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the fields of education and medicine through the competitive grant cycles
Interfaith Outreach Fund (Designated)
Supports the ongoing needs of Interfaith Outreach Association in Lynchburg, Virginia
IRON Lives Long-Term Investment Fund (Designated)
Supports IRON Lives, Inc.
Edwin Nelson James Jr. Memorial Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from E. C. Glass High School
Jefferson Choral Society Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports the Jefferson Choral Society in Lynchburg, Virginia
Johnson Health Center Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports the Johnson Health Centers in Lynchburg and Madison Heights, Virginia
Martin Johnson Family Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Susan Rosser Jones Family Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for graduates of Appomattox County High School
Jubilee Family Development Center Fund (Designated)
Supports the Jubilee Family Development Center in Lynchburg, Virginia
75th Anniversary Junior League of Lynchburg Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports the Junior League of Lynchburg
Bernard & Putnam Kyle Memorial Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the needs of housing and medical care through the competitive grant cycles
Troy Kiger Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from E. C. Glass High School
Lake Christian Ministries Fund (Designated)
Provides program support to Lake Christian Ministries, Inc. in Moneta, Virginia
Lake Christian Ministries Support Fund (Designated)
Provides operational support to Lake Christian Ministries, Inc. in Moneta, Virginia
LAML Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Langley Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Larsen Family Fund (Designated)
Supports Amazement Square, Jubilee Family Development, Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lynchburg, and Lake Christian Ministries
Ella M. Lawless Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships to members of Heritage United Methodist Church
Charles S. and Mary Jane Gannaway Layne Fund (Donor Advised)
Donor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Brinton LeCompte Endowed Scholarship Fund (Donor Designated)
Provides scholarships for the University of Lynchburg, Randolph College, and Virginia Episcopal School.
Edith Brooks Lee Fund for the Lynchburg Public Library (Designated)
Supports the Lynchburg Public Library
Edith B. Lee Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships through Lynchburg Retired Teachers Association
Legacy Museum of African-American History Fund (Designated)
Supports the Legacy Museum of African-American History in Lynchburg, Virginia
Mary Emma Lemon Charitable Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the needs of educational, religious and/or charitable organizations in Appomattox, Lynchburg and Roanoke through the competitive grant cycles
Dr. Gordon K. Leonard Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors of Amherst County High School who are interested in a career in healthcare
Lewis Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Charles and Minnie Lewis Court Street Baptist Church Fund (Designated)
Supports Court Street Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia
Charles James Lewis, Jr. / Omega Psi Phi Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for students who plan to major in a STEM or business discipline.
Lockridge and 20th Anniversary Fund (Designated)
Supports Free Clinic of Central Virginia
LSO Maestro Fund (Designated)
Supports Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra
Mario Luongo Memorial Fund (Designated)
Supports Lynchburg Humane Society
Lynchburg Academy of Medicine Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Lynchburg Academy of Medicine Alliance Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships through the Lynchburg Academy of Medicine
Lynchburg Area Ministerial Association Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from Lynchburg City Schools
Lynchburg Beacon of Hope Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Lynchburg Beacon of Hope
Lynchburg City Schools Education Foundation Teacher Grant Fund (Designated)
Supports the Lynchburg City Schools Education Foundation Teacher Grant program
Lynchburg Daily Bread Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Lynchburg Daily Bread
Lynchburg Economic Development Fund (Designated)
Supports Lynchburg Economic Development
Lynchburg Education Foundation Fund (Designated)
Supports the Lynchburg Education Foundation
Lynchburg Junior Woman's Club Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports programs for education and youth
Lynchburg Life Saving and First Aid Crew Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships for seniors at E.C. Glass High School who are pursuing a degree in Education
Lynchburg Morning Rotary Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Lynchburg Symphony Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Lynchburg Symphony
Janice & Kenneth Marston Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors at Appomattox County High School
Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors at Appomattox County High School
Leila C. McBratney Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Sarah P. McBratney Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Elizabeth G. & Brian J. McCrodden Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Michael E. and Catherine Cox McFaden Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports area nonprofits serving the areas of hunger and shelter, or the Lynchburg Museum, through the competitive grant cycles
Meals on Wheels Fund (Designated)
Supports Meals on Wheels in Lynchburg, Virginia
F. W. Merryman, Jr. Family Trust Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Faye Marcum Mifka Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area non-profit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Mignogna Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Thomas and Patricia Mignogna Fund (Designated)
Supports the Westminster Canterbury of Lynchburg Foundation
Robert J. Miller Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from Rustburg High School and Heritage High School
Miriam's House Fund (Designated)
Supports Miriam's House in Lynchburg, Virginia
Jim Mitchell Charitable Trust Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Violet Mitchell Charitable Trust Fund for Women and Girls (Designated)
Supports MDM Networking, Inc. for breast cancer awareness and screening.
Walter E. Mock Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Mount Carmel Church Cemetery Association Fund (Designated)
Supports Mount Carmel Church Cemetery Assocition
Henrietta & Paul Munro Fund (Designated)
Supports United Way, Randolph College, University of Lynchburg, Habitat for Humanity, Free Clinic, Centra Foundation, Court St. Methodist Church
George H. Murphy Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
National D-Day Memorial Foundation Fund (Designated)
Supports the National D-Day Memorial Foundation in Bedford, Virginia
William N. and Nancy S. Nelson Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Newmark Family Fund (Designated)
Supports the Interfaith Outreach Association in Lynchburg, Virginia
News and Advance Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area non-profit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Calaeb Nowell Memorial Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for students graduating from Appomattox High School who have demonstrated service in care of animals such as volunteerism at a local animal shelter or other meaningful work.
Old City Cemetery Fund (Designated)
Supports Old City Cemetery in Lynchburg, Virginia
Opera on the James Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Opera on the James in Lynchburg, Virginia
Terrell Osteen Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for students from Amherst County, Bedford County, Campbell County, and Lynchburg
Karen K. and William E. Painter Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Park View Community Mission Fund
Supports the work of Park View Community Mission
Thomas P. and Lewise S. Parsley Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the areas of dignity, hope and independence, medical expenses, and recognition of artistic talent through the competitive grant cycles
Patrick Henry Academy Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Patrick Henry Academy in Brookneal, Virginia
Patrick Henry Family Services Child Care Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Patrick Henry Services in Brookneal, Virginia
Payne Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Ginger Paris LCS Strings Fund (Designated)
Established in July 2023 with a gift of $10,000. Will provide funding for the Lynchburg City Schools Strings Program
Eleanor Peery Memorial Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
William C. Perrow Agricultural Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from Appomattox County High School
Christine and Augustus Petticolas Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Walker and Mary Raine Pettyjohn Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships to area high school seniors
Walter and Virginia Phillips Fund (Designated)
Supports Salvation Army, Free Clinic of Central Virginia, Lynchburg Daily Bread and Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
Pierce Street Gateway Fund (Designated)
Supports the Pierce Street Gateway in Lynchburg, Virginia to promote Pierce Street as an historical neighborhood, to educate the larger community on the neighborhood’s historical importance, and to support the preservation of the neighborhood
Planned Parenthood of the Blue Ridge, Lynchburg Affiliate Fund (Designated)
Supports Planned Parenthood of the Blue Ridge
Plymale Foundation Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Gail and Joe Pond Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports area nonprofits serving the needs of education, historic preservation, and hunger through the competitive grant cycles
Porter, Rolfe and Welborn Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Pryor / Newton Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Quillian-Weigle Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides special consideration for development of self-esteem and dignity on the part of minority persons through the competitive grant cycles
Ray-Griffin Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Jim and Dana Redmond Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the areas of hunger and youth needs through the competitive grant cycles
George Webster Reynolds Memorial Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations. Supports historic preservation (research and other activities that document, preserve, and protect the architectural, historical, genealogical, educational, spiritual, and cultural contributions of African-Americans to communities in Amherst County and the surrounding areas) and the education of the public about the African-American heritage of Amherst County and surrounding areas.
Rice / Stone Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Church Youth Activities Fund (Designated)
Supports the youth activities at Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Lucy Guggenheimer Ross Fund (Designated)
Supports New Vistas School in Lynchburg, Virginia
Nicole Marschall and Rick Rowe Fund (Designated)
Supports Lynchburg Humane Society
Rush Homes Endowed Fund (Designated)
Provides an annual grant designated for the support of Rush Homes
Sackett-Graves Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the areas of food, medical assitance
Schewel Family Fund (Temporary)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Winnifred and Herman Schenkel Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports activities for teenage girls that focus on staying in school, self-esteem, self-confidence and leadership skills through the competitive grant cycles
Donald Seagroves Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for a youth at Patrick Henry Family Services
C. W. Seay Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from Lynchburg City high schools
Sedalia Center Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports the Sedalia Center in Big Island, Virginia
Set Free Charitable Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports area nonprofits serving women who have been sexually abused, battered, or trafficked, to provide those women with education and counseling through the competitive grants cycle
Barry R. Shenton Charitable Gift Annuity (Annuity)
A charitable gift annuity
Joyce and Ben Shrader Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area non-profit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Marguerite F. Singleton Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors at Amherst County High School
Skinner Family Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports scholarships, historical preservation and the arts
Dr. J. David Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for area high school students
Donna Hladik Smith Born to Read Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Brad Sowers Memorial Art Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for art students at Altavista High School
Southern Memorial Association Fund (Designated)
Supports Southern Memorial Association/Old City Cemetery
Tobi & Eric Spain Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports capital improvement projects in the Downtown Lynchburg area
Step with Links Fund (Designated)
Supports Step with Links in Lynchburg, Virginia
Nancy Gray and Jean Stewart Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Charles F. Stevens Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
George Taylor Stewart Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides for nutritional and recreational needs and summer camps for less affluent youth through the competitive grant cycles
Frances Cortright Stowers Charitable Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
SunTrust Bank Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Grace P. and A. Kendall Sydnor Fund (Designated)
Supports the Free Clinic of Central Virginia
Walker and Sallie Sydnor Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Eleanor and James D. Taylor Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides food assistance for the disadvantaged through the competitive grant cycles
Louise L. Terrell Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from Bedford County high schools
Thomas/Stemmons Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles|
Bill and Phyllis Thomasson Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Elizabeth and Herbert Thomson Sr. Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area non-profit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Emmy Lou Thomson Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area non-profit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Winston Clay Thomson Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area non-profit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Trails Fund (Field of Interest)
Provides support for improvements to outdoor nature trails through the competitive grant cycles
Trench Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from Heritage High School
Marcus Cameron Trent Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
United Way of Central Virginia Fund (Designated)
Supports United Way of Central Virginia
Unrestricted Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area non-profit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Betsy Cox Upshur Fund (Designated)
Supports the Free Clinic of Central Virginia
University Women of Bedford Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for female graduates of a Bedford County public school
Valentine Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations.
Valley View Residents Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides Nursing Scholarships for University of Lynchburg seniors
Kay and Kent Van Allen Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Anne and Jack Venable Fund (Donor Designated)
Supports Free Clinic of Central Virginia, Johnson Health Center, and Interfaith Outreach Association
Viaduct Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports nonprofits in Amherst County and Lynchburg City specifically for historical preservation, cultural enrichment, and human needs (people in crisis)
Peter Viemeister Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports development in the fields of nutrition, and education for free market economics and enterprise through competitive grant cycles
Virginia Center for the Creative Arts Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Amherst, Virginia
Virginia Legal Aid Society Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Virginia Legal Aid Society
Virginia School of the Arts Endowment Fund (Designated)
Supports Academy Center for the Arts, Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra, and Opera on the James
Virginia Skyline Girl Scout Council Fund (Designated)
Supports Virginia Skyline Girl Scout Council
VLGMA Scholarship Endowment Fund (Designated)
Provides scholarships for the VLGMA Program at Virginia Tech
VSU Alumni Chapter of Central Virginia Scholarship Fund (Scholarship)
Provides scholarships for seniors from area high schools
Wade Family Fund (Designated)
Supports Lynchburg City Schools Education Foundation for the visual arts or music
Diane M. and William M. Walker Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the areas of education, domestic violence and refugees through the competitive grant cycles
Sarah (Honey) Finger Warren Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Randall and John Watts Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Jane Baber White Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Kenneth L. & Bertha S. White Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Virginia B. Whitehouse Fund (Designated)
Supports the YWCA in Lynchburg, Virginia
Bishop Norton and Virginia Wilder Fund (Donor Advised)
Donor suggests grants to area non-profit organizations
G.R. Wiley Fund (Field of Interest)
Supports youth baseball programs through the competitive grant cycles
Genna Chambers Wiley Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Helen and Sam Williams Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area non-profit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Wilson Family Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Jeff and Sandra Wilson Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Maggie and Woodrow Wilson Foundation Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Annie Harris Massie and Alexander McIver Winstead Fund (Donor Advised)
Fund advisor recommends grants to area non-profit organizations
Women's Leadership Council Endowment Fund (Donor Advised)
Supports grants from the Women's Leadership Council at the United Way of Central Virginia
Woman's Resource Center (Endowment) Fund (Designated)
Supports the YWCA in Lynchburg, Virginia
Woman's Resource Center (ALAM) Fund (Designated)
Supports the YWCA in Lynchburg, Virginia
Bob and Phyllis Workman Fund (Unrestricted)
Supports area nonprofit organizations through the competitive grant cycles
Wright Family Environmental Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the area of environmental support and improvement
Stuart J. Turille Youth Philanthropy Award (Designated)
Supports a $5,000 grant awarded by the Youth Philanthropy Committee at The Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation for the purpose of serving youth and children
YWCA of Central Virginia Fund (Designated)
Supports the YWCA in Lynchburg, Virginia
Zippel Family Fund (Field of Interest)
Serves the areas of hunger and housing through the competitive grant cycles