A minimum of $10,000 is needed to endow a new fund. Estate gifts of less than $10,000 cannot create a new fund, but can benefit an existing fund. 

The following may be used to give to an existing fund: 

I hereby give and bequeath to The Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation, Lynchburg, Virginia (EIN #54-6112680) ______% of my residuary estate / $_______ / the residue of my estate to benefit The ___________________ Fund, which is held and administered by The Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation. 

The following may be used to create a new fund: 

I hereby give and bequeath to The Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation, Lynchburg, Virginia (EIN #54-6112680) ______% of my residuary estate / $_______ / the residue of my estate in order to establish The ___________________ Fund to be held and administered by The Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation. 



Donors who plan to create a new fund via their estate should complete a fund agreement as a part of their estate planning, during their lifetime. This document allows the GLCF to clearly understand the donor's wishes, and to educate the donor on what kinds of funds are available.

Please contact our office for a fund agreement to be customized prior during the lifetime of the donor and recorded with the will/trust. 

Many donors establish a fund during their lifetime, and the bequest language in the last will and testament may refer to an addition to that fund.

This makes the estate executor’s job easier since the donor's wishes have been clearly established during their lifetime. 

Donors who notifiy the GLCF that they have included the GLCF in their estate plan are eligible to be recognized in The Legacy Society. 

For more information, please contact our office at 434-845-6500 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.