If you are a nonprofit agency that serves the needs of youth and children in the Greater Lynchburg area, please consider applying.

Two grants are awarded annually by our Youth Philanthropy Council:

  • $5,000 Stuart J. Turille Youth Philanthropy Award
  • $10,000 Wells Fargo Youth Philanthropy Award

The applications are accepted via our online portal between October 15 - November 15.

Finalists will be asked to conduct a site visit with our Youth Philanthropy Council members and their advisors in January.

Required questions/attachments will be the same as the Fall/Spring Competitive Grant.

All applications must be submitted via our online portal. Please do not mail or drop off paper applications.

FALL 2024 UPDATE: the GLCF is implementing a new grant application software.

  • All applicants must apply using our new online system.
  • No paper applications will be accepted. Please do not mail or drop off paper applications.
  • If you need assistance with access to a computer/internet/scanner, etc. please call our office at 434-845-6500.

To apply for any of our grants, your organization will need to have an organizational profile in our portal.

Please create ONE profile per organization. You can add multiple users under one profile. If an external consultant/grant writer will submit your grant, please add that person as a user on your organizational profile.

To create or log into your organizational profile:
  1. Step 1:
    View the instructions/tutorial here for "GLM" by Foundant Technologies.
  2. Step 2:
    After viewing the instructions/tutorial, create or log onto your profile and begin the grant application process.

If you are applying for multiple grants, you will log on to your organization's profile and start a new application there.