Community Impact

Our single mission as a community foundation is to enhance the lives of our neighbors in need. Through our relationship with local charitable organizations, we ensure that your donations are given back to the community in the most effective manner possible. We are dedicated to maintaining your charitable intent.

The GLCF staff Board of Directors are active members of our community and represent our entire service area. Grant decisions are made with our area's unique needs in mind. Resources such as the Community Health Needs Assessment are reviewed and taken into consideration. 


Lasting Effect

The GLCF builds endowed funds that will grow and benefit the community in perpetuity. We help donors create an individual or family legacy through named funds that will continue to impact the needs of our area for generations.



We want your experience with the GLCF to be an easy and fulfilling one. We offer a personalized donor service by offering a variety of simple, flexible, and effective options in the types of funds that can be established and the types of assets that may be donated. Funds can be established with a simple agreement, and we will guide you through the process. We will handle the administrative details of establishing and growing your fund.


Investment Management

Funds established with the GLCF are managed by qualified investment managers. While funds are commingled for investment purposes, each fund is tracked separately. The Board of Directors is actively involved in the growth of the GLCF through prudent investment policies and an internal investment committee that regularly reviews investment performance.


Cost Effective

The GLCF is dedicated to conducting business with low-cost administration. Less than 1% of the market value of the funds is used for administrative costs annually.


Tax Advantages

Not only will you experience the satisfaction of meeting the needs of your community, but your donation is also eligible for tax advantages allowed for income and estate tax purposes.



Your fund may be recognized for providing grants to local charities, or your giving may remain anonymous.