Century Fund logo 2024

The Century Fund provides the opportunity for GLCF to provide significant funding for a transformational project in our region through an annual grant of $100,000. 

A transformational project is one that:

  • Fundamentally changes how a non-profit functions
  • Nets positive results for the nonprofit and those it serves
  • Results in positive, innovative, and significant change for the organization and our community
  • Significantly improves or creates a new service, facility, or program of the organization
  • Creates new opportunities or resources for many people in our community
  • Is a significant step forward for the nonprofit organization, while remaining within the scope of its mission



To be eligible for funding, applicants must be nonprofit organizations serving the city of Lynchburg and/or the surrounding counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, and Campbell that are organized and operated for charitable purposes and recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt public charities under Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. Public educational institutions without an IRS determination letter may also be eligible to receive grants.

  • The Century Fund grant is $100,000, which is awarded to one organization for one project. 
  • Organizations applying for a Century Fund grant should: 
    • Demonstrate that the project is a strong fit with their organization’s mission and is aligned with a board-adopted strategic plan
    • Have a track record of providing effective programs to their target population
    • Have a history of strong financial management
    • Have a structured business plan for ongoing financial and community support to ensure continuation of the program or construction project
    • Include clearly stated goals, timeline, skill and/or behavioral outcomes
    • Be able to measure the program or project’s effectiveness in achieving its stated objective(s) and commit to reporting that to the GLCF
    • Demonstrate efforts to creatively collaborate with other organizations or agencies
  •  Applications are accepted via our online portal between February 1 - February 28. The Century Fund grant, if awarded, will be announced by the end of June each year.
  • The grant may be for programs or projects, including "bricks and mortar." 
  • The Century Fund grant must be a significant portion of the total amount needed to complete the project or program.
  • The Century Fund grant may or may not be awarded in a given year if, in the judgment of GLCF, no applications meet the criteria for granting. 
  • Applicants will be required to answer questions that demonstrate the transformative nature of the project, such as:
  • What is the proposed timeline for implementation of the proposed project?
  • How is this project transformative in terms of significantly enhancing the quality of life for the people of Central Virginia?
  • How many people will be served by the project?
  • How is this proposal different from your ongoing efforts and from projects for which you have received previous grant awards?
  • What is the total cost of the project? 
  • List all other funds that have been earmarked for this project and all applications for funds you have submitted.
  • How will the success of the project be evaluated?
  • Please submit all applications via our online portal between February 1 - February 28. 


Century Fund Recipients

We are so proud of this fund and what it has been able to do for our community. Click the links below to read more about each recipient and how they used their funds to help extend the mission of their organization.

2024: Roads to Recovery

2023: Lynchburg Grows

2022: James River Association

2021: Camp Kum-Ba-Yah

2020: Free Clinic of Central Virginia