The Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation’s Board of Directors is comprised of dedicated volunteer leaders. These volunteers are selected for their active participation in the Greater Lynchburg community. Directors are recommended for service by the Foundation’s trustees and current Board of Directors as well as various organizations across the region, including the Lynchburg Bar Association, the Lynchburg Academy of Medicine, and area Chambers of Commerce.


 Board Of Directors


John Stone Aif

John Stone

janice marston

Janice Marston

Susan Ackley

Susan Ackley

Jennifer Bryant Foster

Jennifer Bryant-Foster 

Carter Robert 2025

Robert W. Carter, Jr. 

Christina Delzingaro

Christina Delzingaro

Susan Ackley

Sarah Houck

ernie guill web 1

Linzie Johnson

Linzie Johnson

  Roger Johnson


Katrina Rice

Stanley Amanda 2025

Amanda Stanley

VernaSellersMD head shot cropped mcomia

Verna Sellers, MD 

Simonton Karen 2025 

Karen Simonton

Shawn Stone

Shawn Stone

wright web

 John Walker


 Chad Waterworth