- What are the basic qualifications for application?
An organization must be registered as a 501(c)3 nonprofit and serve the populations in our service area (Lynchburg City, Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford and/or Campbell Counties).
- What are the deadlines for each grant cycle?
The Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation has two competitive grant cycles each year. The deadline for the Fall grant cycle is September 15th and the deadline for the Spring grant cycle is March 15th.
- How often can an agency receive a grant?
An agency can receive only one grant award per fiscal year of the Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation. Our fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Agencies not awarded a grant may apply in the next 6 month cycle.
- When will an agency be notified of a grant award?
Grants will be reviewed and awarded during the months following the application deadlines. Notification of a final decision will be sent to applying agencies before the end of December for the Fall cycle and before the end of June for the Spring cycle.
- What financial information is The Foundation looking for within the grant application?
Each agency needs to provide the most recent audited financial statements, if available. If this is not available, then the most recent Form 990. The most recent 12-month statements should cover the last full fiscal year that the agency had. The most recent year-to-date statements will cover any time that has passed since the last fiscal year end. For example, if an agency has a December 31 year end and is applying in the Fall, The Community Foundation needs the December 31 audit or Form 990, financial statements that cover January 1 to December 31 of the last full 12-month fiscal year, and financial statements that cover January 1 to the time the grant application was written.
- What file types can be uploaded to the online application process?
PDFs are the preferred file type for the grant application. However, word and excel files are also accepted.
- How large a file can I upload to the online application process?
Each file submission should be limited to 10 MB. Printing to pdf format rather than scanning to pdf format will help to keep file sizes small.